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Big Tent Project


A grassroots development hub for theatre artists

Across 5-day courses in summer 2021, we’ll work with two cohorts of 10 artists alongside creative production manager Dave Ferrier in the stunning grounds of The Gables, Eynsham. We'll support you to develop your idea and build the self-producing toolkit you need to get your work launched. And once you’ve completed a Big Tent Course, you’ll be a Big Tent Artist, with a peer group and Flintlock Theatre behind you to support your onward creative journey. 

Make this yours. Add images, text and links, or connect data from your collection.

Make this yours. Add images, text and links, or connect data from your collection.

(Please note this is a sample course schedule and is subject to change)


Course fees

Other than bursary places, the Big Tent course costs £400 per person. A small deposit is payable to secure your place, and fees are due 4 weeks before the commencement of your course. 


Bursary Places

Our long-term vision is to make all Big Tent courses free at the point of delivery. In the initial term, we’re providing two funded places per cohort (four in total for summer 2021). Each bursary place includes:


  • Your course fees covered

  • Self catering digs in Eynsham

  • A travel contribution


These places are reserved for Global Majority participants and other groups who are under represented in the creative industries. Flintlock Theatre and the Big Tent Project support the manifesto of the Oxford Cultural Anti-Racism Alliance


Creating a safe, protective space for everybody

Flintlock Theatre is committed to ensuring that all every Flintlock space and working environment feels safe and protective both us, for our students and collaborators and for anyone who comes to work with Flintlock. Read more about our commitment to fair and supportive working practises here. 


Where are we?

The Big Tent Project is situated at The Gables in Eynsham, Oxfordshire, a large Tudor house and grounds at the heart of a bustling community.


Getting to The Big Tent Project

Eynsham is situated approximately 7 miles west of Oxford. It is easily reached by road, bike, bus and rail. 


Rail: There are 3 rail stations within 5 miles of Eynsham: Oxford Parkway, Oxford Rail Station and Long Hanborough (or Hanborough) Station. Oxford Rail Station links best with the S1 bus – for other stations, you’ll require a taxi transfer.


Bus: The Stagecoach S1 bus links Eynsham with Oxford in one direction and Witney and Carterton in the other, leaving approximately every 10 minutes late into the night. Stops include Oxford Rail Station and Oxford Bus Station. 


Coach: Oxford is well served by the Oxford Tube and the x90, both of which run coaches 24/7 from London to Oxford.



The Gables has limited Airbnb rooms available. We also operate a local digs list with most rooms cost in the region of £100 per usually with shared access to bathroom and kitchen facilities. You book with local householders and organise payment directly. Details will be shared in the welcome pack for courses attendees.

Week A: Monday 26th – Friday 30th July 2021

Week B: Monday 2nd – Friday 6th August 2021

Each day runs from 9.30am – 5.30pm at The Gables (Eynsham, Oxfordshire)


Application deadline 30th June 2021


Day 1

Games & Warm-Up

Seeding Ideas: Exercises, provocations and scratch showings. 

Communal Lunch

Self-Producing Toolkit:

Strategic Mapping


Expert Input:

Flintlock's story - pub theatre to national touring 


Fireside Chat (optional)

Day 2

Games & Warm-Up 

Developing Ideas: Exercises, provocations and scratch showings. 

Communal Lunch

Self-Producing Toolkit:

Project Planning


Expert Input:

Radical staging in a post-COVID world 



Day 3

Games & Warm-Up

Devising & Writing: Exercises, provocations and scratch showings. 

Communal Lunch

Self-Producing Toolkit:

Budgeting & Marketing


Expert Input:

Building sustainable working lives


Meal Out (optional)

Day 4

Games & Warm-Up

Inspiration: Exercises, provocations and scratch showings. 

Communal Lunch

Self-Producing Toolkit:

Support & Connections


Expert Input:

A venue's perspective



Local Walk (optional)

Day 5

Games & Warm-Up

Next Steps:

Exercises, provocations and scratch showings. 

Communal Lunch

Self-Producing Toolkit:



Onward paths:

Being a Big Tent Artist

Further learning




01865 807322


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Flintlock Education Ltd. Registered Address 3A Station Road, HP7 0BQ. Registered in England & Wales no. 7917219

Flintlock Theatre Registered Address 3A Station Road, HP7 0BQ. Registered in England & Wales no. 11917051

(This is not our correspondence address)

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